2 min readFeb 13, 2021


I'll add one culprit to your list... Bankers.

The world operates on debt. The way our system has been organized, when the government needs to create money, the Fed delivers that new money to the banks after buying a government bond which creates the new cash. Those bonds bear interest which we taxpayer must pay. Rather than put it into your bank account though, they let the banks LEND it to you at interest. In fact, because of something called "Fractional Reserve Lending" Banks take the real money they get for free, and lend out as much as ten times that amount... onn which they recieve interest (on funny money)

Thing is, that new money was created as debt to the Federal Government. You know who pays for that debt...? Me, you and your children. It is LITERALLY our money, money which we lent to ourselves and which we will need to repay twice. Once to the banks who loan it to us at interest, and then again through our taxes to pay the national debt at interest. Let's not even discuss paying interest on ghost money.

All the utilities, mortgages, rents and such can't be stopped because the banks DEMAND their payments NEVER STOP... or else. Or else they sweep in an confiscate your house, car and anything of value. Because you didn't pay them their extortion money.

So who's holding the whip over our bleeding backs? The Bankers and the cowards who've been bought by them to ensure this little game of extortion never stops.

WE, bailed out our oppressors in 2008 because "OMG, what if they fail!?"... What happens if the banks are allowed to die?

We get our freedom back from the new Slave Owners.




I have been accumulating the background for what I have just now begun releasing my whole life. What I share now, I share because it’s time has come.